Sunday, 25 April 2021

Making NUnit tests run in Team City for NUnit 3.x

Team City has several bugs when it comes to running NUnit tests. The following guide shows how you can prepare the Team City build agent to run NUnit 3.x tests. We need first to install NUnit Console runner Tips around this was found in the following Stack Overflow thread: This is also mentioned in the documentation of Team City: First off, add two Command line steps and add the two commands into each step - this step can be run at the start of the pipeline in Team City.

%teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT%\tools\nuget.exe install NUnit.Console -version 3.10.0 -o packages  -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory\NUnit %teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT%\tools\nuget.exe install NUnit.Extension.NUnitProjectLoader -version 3.6.0 -o packages
The following Nuget packages for NUnit was used:
  • NUnit 3.2.0
  • NUnit.ConsoleRunner 3.10.0
  • NUnit.Extension.NUnitProjectLoader 3.6.0
  • NUnit.Extension.TeamCityEventListener 1.0.7
  • NUnit3TestAdapter 3.16.1
Inside the NUnit runner type step, configure also the NUnit console path: Use this path:
packages\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.8.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe For the testassemblies make sure you use a path like this: **\bin\%BuildConfiguration%\*.Test.dll Add the %BuildConfiguration% parameter and set it to: Debug
More tips here:

And here:

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Implementing a Strip method with regex in C#

This article will present a Strip method that accepts a Regex which defines the pattern of allowed characters. It is similar to Regex Replace, but it works in the inverted way. Instead of removing the chars matching the pattern in Regex.Replace, this utility method instead lets you define the allowed chars, i.e. these chars defined in this regex are the chars I want to keep. First off we define the utility method, as an extension method.

        /// <summary>
        /// Strips away every character not defined in the provided regex <paramref name="allowedChars"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Input string</param>
        /// <param name="allowedChars">The allowed characters defined in a Regex with pattern, for example: [A-z|0-9]+/</param>
        /// <returns>Input string with only the allowed characters</returns>
        public static string Strip(this string s, Regex allowedChars)
            if (s == null)
                return s;
            if (allowedChars == null)
                return string.Empty;
            Match match = Regex.Match(s, allowedChars.ToString());
            List<char> allowedAlphabet = new List<char>();
            while (match.Success)
                if (match.Success)
                    for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups.Count; i++)
                match = match.NextMatch();
            return new string(s.Where(ch => allowedAlphabet.Contains(ch)).ToArray());
Here are some tests that tests out this Strip method:
        [TestCase("abc123abc", "[A-z]+", "abcabc")]
        [TestCase("abc123def456", "[0-9]+", "123456")]
     	[TestCase("The F-32 Lightning II is a newer generation fighter jets than the F-16 Fighting Falcon", "[0-9]+", "3216")]
		[TestCase("Here are some Norwegian letters : ÆØÅ and in lowercase: æøå", "[æ|ø|å]", "æøå")]
		public void TestStripWithRegex(string input, string regexString, string expectedOutput)
            var regex = new Regex(regexString);

Monday, 1 March 2021

Implementing ToDictionary in Typescript

In this article I will present some code I just did in my SimpleTsLinq library, which you can easily install using Npm. The library is here on : The ToDictionary method looks like this:

  if (!Array.prototype.ToDictionary) {
  Array.prototype.ToDictionary = function <T>(keySelector: (arg: T) => any): any {
    let hash = {}; => {
      let key = keySelector(item);
      if (!(key in hash)) {
        hash[key] = item;
      else {
        if (!(Array.isArray(hash[key]))) {
          hash[key] = [hash[key]];
    return hash;

Here is a unit test (spec) for this method :

    it('can apply method ToDictionary on an array, allowing specificaton of a key selector for the dictionary object', () => {
    let heroes = [{ name: "Han Solo", age: 47, gender: "M" }, { name: "Leia", age: 29, gender: "F" }, { name: "Luke", age: 24, gender: "M" }, { name: "Lando", age: 47, gender: "M" }];
    let dictionaryOfHeroes = heroes.ToDictionary<Hero>(x => x.gender);

    let expectedDictionary = {
      "F": {
        name: "Leia", age: 29, gender: "F"
      "M": [
        { name: "Han Solo", age: 47, gender: "M" },
        { name: "Luke", age: 24, gender: "M" },
        { name: "Lando", age: 47, gender: "M" }

You can also test out this library using Npm RunKit here: We can make a dictionary with different keys, image example: