Showing posts with label MVC ITempDataProvider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MVC ITempDataProvider. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 February 2012

A more deterministic approach to TempData in MVC

I just read the article of Greg Shackles on custom ITempDataProvider. I will follow up his blog post with my own slight adjustments and experiences of his implementation of a persistent customized TempDataProvider, using MongoDb.

The original article is here:
MongoDb based TempData provider

The default implementation of ITempDataProvider in MVC is the class SessionStateTempDataProvider. This temp data provider relies on SessionState.
As long as the end-user applies InProc as the SessionState in web.config,
TempData should work as expected. However, as soon as a move towards SqlServer
in SessionState of web.config is selected, things will start to crash..

The following is a sample implementation of how to implement a more deterministic and stable implementation, with the aid of the MongoDb object database.

The custom ITempDataProvider looks like this:

public class CustomTempDataProvider : ITempDataProvider
private string _collectionName;
private string _databaseName;

public CustomTempDataProvider(string databaseName, string collectionName)
_collectionName = collectionName;
_databaseName = databaseName;

#region ITempDataProvider Members

public IDictionary LoadTempData(ControllerContext controllerContext)
var tempDataDictionary = new Dictionary();

using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://"))
IMongoCollection collection = mongo.GetDatabase(_databaseName).
IEnumerable tempData = collection.Find(item => item.SessionIdentifier == controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress).Documents;

foreach (var tempDataItem in tempData)
tempDataDictionary.Add(tempDataItem.Key, tempDataItem.Value);

return tempDataDictionary;

public void SaveTempData(ControllerContext controllerContext, IDictionary values)
string hostName = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostName;
using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo())

IMongoCollection collection = mongo.GetDatabase(_databaseName).

IEnumerable oldItems = collection.Find(item =>
(item.SessionIdentifier == hostName)).Documents;

foreach (var tempDataItem in oldItems)

if (values != null && values.Count > 0)
collection.Insert(values.Select(tempDataValue => new MongoTempData
SessionIdentifier = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress,
Key = tempDataValue.Key,
Value = tempDataValue.Value



Beware of the code above that the SessionIdentifier is set to the UserHostAddress of the request. Rather, you might want to inject the ASP.NET SessionId or something similar here instead to avoid multiple users accessing potentially the same data. This will both crash for the next User B since User A got to the data first (TempData removes its data after it is read). In addition User A gets to read User B TempData, which could of course include sensitive data. With that word of caution, I will leave to the read to select a good identifier for the TempData.

Next up, we create a base class for setting the TempDataProvider:

public class CustomTempDataControllerBase : Controller
public CustomTempDataControllerBase()
TempDataProvider = new CustomTempDataProvider
("test", "MongoTempData");

Our controllers do then only need to inherit from this base class (note that this base class inherits from the MVC class Controller):

public class HomeController : CustomTempDataControllerBase

public ActionResult Index()
TempData["CurrentCity"] = "Trondheim";
TempData["CurrentTemperature"] = "-7 Centigrade Windchill";
return Content("TempData updated! Read the TempData here");

public ActionResult ReadTempData()
return View();


The view ReadTempData.cshtml looks like this (Razor code):
Contents of TempData:

@foreach (var tempDataItem in TempData)
@tempDataItem.Key @:: @tempDataItem.Value

That is basically all that is too it. To start up the MongoDb on your computer, download the binaries to e.g. c:\mongodb . The binaries are available from the site:

Start the database like this:
mongod --dbpath c:\mongodb\data

Next up, get the necessary binaries from the original source of this article:

In addition I recommend the tool MongoVUE, a GUI for viewing the data inside your collections of this object oriented database (MongoDb is not a RDBMS).

Screenshot of our sample in MongoVUE:

The source code for the custom ITempDataProvider in this article is here:
Mongo Db based custom Temp Data Provider for MVC