Showing posts with label AngularJs WebDev MVC Directives Scope Frontend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AngularJs WebDev MVC Directives Scope Frontend. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 December 2021

AngularJs directive for clearing a text field

I wrote an AngularJs directive at work today for clearing a text field. We still use this in multiple projects for front-end (although I have worked more with Angular than AngularJs last 2-3 years). The directive ended up like this (we use Bootstrap v2.3.2) :
angular.module('formModule').directive('addClearTextFieldBtn', function ($compile) {
        function link(scope, element, attrs) {
            var targetId =;
            var targetNgModel = attrs.ngModel;
            var minimumChars = attrs.clearTextFieldBtnMintextlength ? attrs.clearTextFieldBtnMintextlength : "1";
            var emptyValue = "''";
            var templateAppend = '<i id="clear' + targetId + '" ng-if="' + targetNgModel + ' && + ' + targetNgModel + '.length >= ' + minimumChars + '"' + 'ng-click="' + targetNgModel;
            templateAppend += ' = ' + emptyValue + '" class="glyphicon icon-remove form-control-feedback" title="Tøm innhold" style="cursor:pointer; pointer-events: all;" tooltip="clear"></i >';
            var clearButton = angular.element(templateAppend);
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            replace: false,
            link: link

Example usage inside a HTML helper in MVC for example:
add_clear_text_field_btn = "model.Icd10", data_clear_text_field_btn_mintextlength="3"
We pass in a HTML5 data value attribute to specify the minimum length to show the button to clear the field.