Showing posts with label SQL Server. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Server. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Importing Json File to SQL Server into a variable

A short article today of how to import JSON file to SQL Server into a variable, which can then
be used to insert it into a column of type NVARCHAR(MAX) of a table. The maximum size of NVARCHAR(MAX) is 2 Gb, so you can
import large Json files using this datatype. If the Json is small and below 4000 chars, use for example NVARCHAR(4000) instead. Here is a SQL script to import the json file using OPENROWSET and Bulk import. We also pass in the path to the folder where the json file is. It is put in the same folder as the .sql file script. Note that the variable $(FullScriptDir) is passed in via a .bat file (shown further below) and we expect the .json file to be in the same folder as the .bat file. You can provide a full path to a .json file instead and skip the .bat file here and import a json file, but it is nice to load the .json file from the same folder as the .sql file in case you want to copy the .sql and .json file to another server and not having to provide and possibly having to adjust the full path. Sql-script import_json_file_openrowset.sql:


FROM OPENROWSET (BULK '$(FullScriptDir)\top-posts.json', SINGLE_CLOB) AS j;

PRINT 'JsonFile contents: ' + @JSONFILE

IF (ISJSON(@JSONFILE)=1) PRINT 'It is valid Json';

The .bat file here passes the current folder as a variable to the sql script runsqlscript.bat

@set FullScriptDir=%CD%
sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS  -i import_json_file_openrowset.sql

This outputs:

sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS  -i import_json_file_openrowset.sql
JsonFile contents: [
      "Title":"What are deconvolutional layers?",
      "Title":"Publicly Available Datasets",
It is valid Json

With the variable JSONFILE you can do whatever with it such as inserting it to a column in a new row of a table for example.
Importing json from a string directly using OPENJSON

It is also possible to directly just import the JSON from a string variable like this:


    "Id": 2334,
    "Score": 4.3,
    "Title": "Python - Used as scientific tool for graphing"
    "Id": 2335,
    "Score": 5.2,
    "Title": "C# : Math and physics programming"

    Id INT,
    Score REAL,
    Title NVARCHAR(100)

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Generating repeated data into variable in SQL Server in T-SQL

Let's see how we can create repeated data into variable of SQL Server in T-SQL. Use the REPLICATE function to create repeated data like this:

SET @myVariable = REPLICATE('.', 10)
PRINT @myVariable
PRINT len(@myVariable)

In case you want to set the variable to data which is longer than 8000 characters, you must convert the argument to NVARCHAR(MAX).

SET @myVariable = REPLICATE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),'.'), 1024*1024*2)
PRINT len(@myVariable)

Creating random content is also easy in T-SQL:

PRINT len(@myVariable)
PRINT @myVariable

NEWID() creates a new guid, and we strip away the '-' letter, giving 32 chars which we replicate above four times. Since we were below 8000 chars, we chould have skipped using convert to nvarchar(max).

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Deleting a set of databases with similar names with T-SQL

Devops Sunday. If you end up having many databases in SQL Server and want to get rid of them by matching their names, this T-SQL should help you out.

use master
declare @tablestoNuke as table(db nvarchar(100))
insert into @tablestoNuke
select name from sys.databases  
where name like '%SomeSimilarDbNameSet%'
declare @nukedb as nvarchar(100)
declare @nukesql as nvarchar(150)

declare nuker cursor for
select db from @tablestoNuke

open nuker
fetch next from nuker into @nukedb

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 
set @nukesql = 'drop database ' + @nukedb
exec sp_executesql @nukesql
fetch next from nuker into @nukedb

close nuker
deallocate nuker

print 'All done nuking'

The T-SQL uses a cursor to loop through the database names fetched from sys.databases view on master db and then uses exec sp_executesql to delete the databases, by dropping them.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Finding databases with biggest tables in SQL Server

I created a T-SQL script today for use with SQL Server that will list the tables that have most rows for SQL Server, able to loop through all databases.

DECLARE @mrsdb_sqlscript AS NVARCHAR(500)
SELECT name from sys.databases where state_desc <> 'offline' and name not in ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb') order by name 
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #largestTables 
CREATE TABLE #largestTables (
 DatabaseName VARCHAR(100),
 SchemaName VARCHAR(200), 
 TableName VARCHAR(200), 
 TotalRowCount INT 

OPEN db_cursor 
FETCH NEXT from db_cursor into @currentDB 

 SET @mrsdb_sqlscript = N'INSERT INTO #largestTables 
  SELECT ''' + @currentDB + ''' , SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS [SchemaName],
 [Tables].name AS [TableName],
 SUM([Partitions].[rows]) AS [TotalRowCount]
 FROM ' + @currentDB + '.sys.tables AS [Tables]
 JOIN ' + @currentDB + '.sys.partitions AS [Partitions]
 ON [Tables].[object_id] = [Partitions].[object_id]
 AND [Partitions].index_id IN ( 0, 1 )
 GROUP BY SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), [Tables].name';

 PRINT 'Looking for largest table in the following DB: ' + @currentDB 
 exec sp_executesql @mrsdb_sqlscript 

 FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor into @currentDB

CLOSE db_cursor 
DEALLOCATE db_cursor 

SELECT TOP 100 * FROM #largestTables 
ORDER BY TotalRowCount DESC, Schemaname ASC

The SQL script above will use a temporary table variable and database cursor and loop through all databases, executing a SQL script that will insert data into a temporary table variable and after the cursor has looped through its dataset, the result in the temporary table variable is presented to the DBA monitoring. Use it to spot where you have much data in your databases of the data base server you are working with!