Tuesday 19 March 2024

Functional programming - Fork combinator in C# to combine results from parts

This article will discuss a wellknown combinator called Fork which allows you to combine the mapped result. Consider the following extension methods to fork on an object. Fork here means to operate on parts of the object such as
different properties and apply functions on these parts and then recombine the results into a combined result via a specified combinator function, sometimes called a 'join function'.

public static class FunctionalExtensions {

	public static TOutput Map<TInput, TOutput>(
		this TInput @this,
		Func<TInput, TOutput> func) => func(@this);

	public static TOutput Fork<TInput, TMiddle, TOutput>(
		this TInput @this,
		Func<IEnumerable<TMiddle>, TOutput> combineFunc,
		params Func<TInput, TMiddle>[] parts)
		var intermediateResults = parts.Select(p => p(@this));
		var result = combineFunc(intermediateResults);
		return result;

	public static TOutput Fork<TInput, TMiddle, TOutput>(
		this TInput @this,
		Func<TInput, TMiddle> leftFunc,
		Func<TInput, TMiddle> rightFunc,
		Func<TMiddle, TMiddle, TOutput> combineFunc)
		var leftResult = leftFunc(@this); // @this.Map(leftFunc);
		var rightResult = rightFunc(@this); // @this.Map(rightFunc);
		var combineResult = combineFunc(leftResult, rightResult);
		return combineResult;


Let's take a familiar mathematical example, calculating the Hypotenuse in a triangle using Pythagorean theorem. This states that the length of the longest side A of a 'right triangle' is the square root of the sum of the squares of the shorter sides B and C : A = √(B² + C²) Consider this class:
  public class Triangle {
	public double CathetusA { get; set; }
	public double CathetusB { get; set; }	
	public double Hypotenuse { get; set; }
Let's test the first Fork helper extension method accepting two functions for specifying the left and right components:
  	var triangle = new Triangle
		CathetusA = 3,
		CathetusB = 4
	triangle.Hypotenuse = triangle.Fork(	
		t => t.CathetusA * t.CathetusA, 
		t => t.CathetusB * t.CathetusB, 
		(l,r) => Math.Sqrt(l+r));
This yields '5' as the answer via the forked result above. A simple example, but this allows us to create a simple combinatory logic example on an object of any type using functional programming (FP). Let's look at a simpler example just combining multiple properties of an object with a simple string-join, but using the Fork version supporting arbitrary number of parts / components:

public class Person {
	public string JobTitle { get; set; }
	public string FirstName { get; set; }
	public IEnumerable<string> MiddleNames { get; set; }
	public string LastName { get; set; }

var person = new Person{
		JobTitle = "Detective",
		FirstName = "Alexander",
		MiddleNames = new[] { "James", "Axel" },
		LastName = "Foley"
string contactCardText = person.Fork(parts => string.Join(" ", parts), p => p.FirstName,
p => string.Join(" ", p.MiddleNames), p => p.LastName); Console.WriteLine(contactCardText);
This yields: Alexander James Axel Foley Fork can be very useful in many cases you need to 'branch off' on an object and recombine parts of the object with some specific function, either two parts or multiple parts and either continue to work on the results or retrieve the results.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Functional programming - the Tee function to inspect current state in a chained expression

In this article we will look at helper extension methods of StringBuilder first to better support chaining StringBuilder. We will work on the same StringBuilder instance and add support for appending lines or character to the StringBuilder given a condition. Also example showing how to aggregate lines from a sequence is shown and appending formatted lines. Since C# interpolation has become more easy to use, I would suggest you keep using AppendLine instead. Here is the helper methods in the extension class :

public static class StringBuilderExtensions {

	public static StringBuilder AppendSequence<T>(this StringBuilder @this, IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<StringBuilder, T, StringBuilder> fn)
		var sb = sequence.Aggregate(@this, fn);
		return sb;
	public static StringBuilder AppendWhen(this StringBuilder @this, Func<bool> condition, Func<StringBuilder, StringBuilder> fn) => 
		condition() ? fn(@this) : @this;
    public static StringBuilder AppendFormattedLine(
		this StringBuilder @this,
		string format,
		params object[] args) => 
			@this.AppendFormat(format, args).AppendLine();

Now consider this example usage:

void Main()
	var countries = new Dictionary<int, string>{
		{ 1, "Norway" },
		{ 2, "France" },
		{ 3, "Austria" },
		{ 4, "Sweden" },
		{ 5, "Finland" },
		{ 6, "Netherlands" }
	string options = BuildSelectBox(countries, "countriesSelect", true);
	options.Dump("Countries"); //dump is a method available in Linqpad to output objects 

private static string BuildSelectBox(IDictionary<int, string> options, string id, bool includeUnknown) =>
		new StringBuilder()
			.AppendFormattedLine($"<select id=\"{id}\" name=\"{id}\">")
			.AppendWhen(() => includeUnknown, sb => sb.AppendLine("\t<option value=\"0\">Unknown</option>"))
			.AppendSequence(options, (sb, item) => sb.AppendFormattedLine("\t<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.Key, item.Value))

What if we wanted to inspect the state of the stringbuilder in the middle of these chained expression. Is it possible to output state in such lengthy chained functional expressions? Yes, that is called the Tee method inside functional programming patterns. Other might call it for Tap such as used in Rx languages. The Tee method looks like this:
public static class FunctionalExtensions {

	public static T Tee<T>(this T @this, Action<T> act) {
		return @this;

We can now inspect state in the middle of chained expressions in functional expressions.
private static string BuildSelectBox(IDictionary<int, string> options, string id, bool includeUnknown) =>
		new StringBuilder()
			.AppendFormattedLine($"<select id=\"{id}\" name=\"{id}\">")
			.AppendWhen(() => includeUnknown, sb => sb.AppendLine("\t<option value=\"0\">Unknown</option>"))
			.AppendSequence(options, (sb, item) => sb.AppendFormattedLine("\t<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.Key, item.Value))
The picture below shows the output:
So there you have it, if you have lengthy chained functional expressions, make such a Tee helper method to peek into the state this far. The name Tee stems from the Unix Command by the same name. It copies contents from STDIN to STDOUT. More about Tee Unix command here:

Saturday 9 March 2024

Functional programming - looking up current time and encapsulating usings

I looked at encapsulating Using statements today for functional programming and how to look up the current time with API available on the Internet.

public static class Disposable {
	public static TResult Using<TDisposable,TResult>(
		Func<TDisposable> factory,
		Func<TDisposable, TResult> map)		
		where TDisposable : IDisposable
		using (var disposable = factory()){
			return map(disposable);

void Main()
	var currentTime = EpochTime.AddSeconds(Disposable
			  .Using(() => new HttpClient(),
					client => JsonDocument.Parse(client.GetStringAsync(@"http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/europe/oslo").Result))
			 .GetInt64()).ToLocalTime(); //list of time zones available here: http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone

public static DateTime EpochTime => new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

The Disposable is abstracted away in the helper method called Using accepting a factory function to create a TDisposable that accepts an IDisposable. We look up the current time using the WorldTimeApi and make use of extracting the UnixTime which is measured from Epoch as the number of seconds elapsed from 1st January 1970. We make use of System.Text.Json here, which is part of .NET to parse the json retrieved.