Sunday, 12 December 2021

Displaying errors in Event Log with Out-GridView in Powershell

A user friendly way to view errors in Event log source from Powershell.
$rawUI = $Host.UI.RawUI
$oldSize = $rawUI.BufferSize
$typeName = $oldSize.GetType( ).FullName
$newSize = New-Object $typeName (500, $oldSize.Height)
$rawUI.BufferSize = $newSize

get-eventlog -logname someacmecompanyname | where-object { $_.source -like '*someeventlogsourcename*' -and $_.EntryType -in ('Error', 'Warning', 'Critical') } | out-gridview

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Scanning solutions for NUnit test adapter via Powershell

Checking that we have added test adapter for NUnit so that our tests in Azure Devops are run

A challenge with running tests inside Powershell can be if NUnit test adapter Nuget package is missing from the solution. If you run test using NUnit 2.x, you require NUnitTestAdapter. If you use NUnit 3.x, NUnit3TestAdapter is required. The following Powershell script can be used to check if we have added a Nuget package reference at least to one such test project in the solution. We have here some tests that will list up all PackageReference in csproj files of the solution. Note: this requires the following setup of your Nuget package references listed in the solution.
  • You have to have csproj projects in the solution
  • You must use PackageReference, i.e. list up nuget packages in the csproj file. This will not work if you instead use packages lock json format or packages.config.
The Powershell functions are these:
 Function Get-ProjectInSolution {
    [CmdletBinding()] param (
    $SolutionPath = $Solution
    $SolutionFile = Get-Item $SolutionPath
    $SolutionFolder = $SolutionFile.Directory.FullName

    Get-Content $Solution |
        Select-String 'Project\(' |
        ForEach-Object {
            $projectParts = $_ -Split '[,=]' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim('[ "{}]') }
                File = $projectParts[2]
                Guid = $projectParts[3]
                Name = $projectParts[1]
        } |
        Where-Object File -match "csproj$" |
        ForEach-Object {
            Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName FullName -NotePropertyValue (Join-Path $SolutionFolder $_.File) -PassThru

Function Get-TestProjectInSolution {
[CmdletBinding()] param (
  $projects = & Get-ProjectInSolution $Solution
  $testProjects = $projects | Where-Object { $_.Name -like '*Test*' }
  return $testProjects

Function Get-PackagesInProject {
[CmdletBinding()] param (

Get-Content $ProjectFile | Write-Host 

# Get-ProjectInSolution "C:\dev\somesolution\someacme.sln" 

Function List-PackagesOfTestProjectInSolution {
[CmdletBinding()] param (

  & Get-TestProjectInSolution $SolutionFile | ForEach-Object {
   $filePath = $_.FullName 
   Write-Host $filePath
  (Get-Content $_.FullName | Find "<PackageReference Include")

    Function Get-PackagesOfTestProjectInSolution {
[CmdletBinding()] param (

$dict = @{}

  & Get-TestProjectInSolution $SolutionFile | ForEach-Object {
    $filePath = $_.FullName 
    # Write-Host $filePath
    if (-not $dict.ContainsKey($filePath)) {
        $dict[$filePath] = (Get-Content $_.FullName | Find "<PackageReference Include")
    return $dict 


Function Has-NunitTestAdapterPackageInTestProjectinSolution {
[CmdletBinding()] param (
 $packagesDict = Get-PackagesOfTestProjectInSolution $SolutionFile
$allPackagesString = $packagesDict.Values
$isNunitTestAdapterFound = ($allPackagesString -like "*NUnit*TestAdapter*").Length -gt 0
return $isNunitTestAdapterFound

Get-PackagesOfTestProjectInSolution "C:\dev\someacme\someacme.sln" 

$isNunitTestAdapterPresent = Has-NunitTestAdapterPackageInTestProjectinSolution "C:\dev\someacme\somecme.sln" 

Write-Host "Is NUnit test adapter added?" $isNunitTestAdapterPresent

For example, we could run the function call : List-PackagesOfTestProjectInSolution "C:\dev\someacme\someacme.sln" And we get our lists of package references in that solution (here we only look inside projects with a name containing "Test":

Friday, 9 July 2021

Immutable lists in C# - Adding a wrapper class

This article will discuss the immutable collections in C#, more precisely immutable lists of generic type T wrapped inside a class. This makes it possible to easier use immutable lists and these lists can only be altered via functional calls. Remember that an immutable list always returns a new immutable list. For easier use, we can have a wrapper for this. First of, inside Linqpad 5, being used in this article, hit F4. In case you want to use Visual Studio instead, the same code should work there (except Linqpad's Dump method). In the tab Additional referencesNow choose Add Nuget.. Then seach for System.Collections.Immutable. After selecting this Nuget package, choose the tab Additional Namesapce Imports. Now paste this demo code:
 void Main()
	var numbersInImmutableList = new ImmutableWrappedList<int>();
	numbersInImmutableList.AddRange(new[] { 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2 }); 
	numbersInImmutableList.AddRange(new[]{ 2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 1, 8 });

public class ImmutableWrappedList<T>  {
	public ImmutableList<T> _internalList;
    	public ImmutableList<T> Contents => _internalList;
	public ImmutableWrappedList()
		_internalList = ImmutableList.Create<T>(); 	
	public void Clear() => _internalList.Clear(); 	
	public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> itemsToAdd) => _internalList = _internalList.AddRange(itemsToAdd);
	public void Add(T itemToAdd) => _internalList = _internalList.Add(itemToAdd);
	public void Remove(T itemToAdd) => _internalList = _internalList.Remove(itemToAdd);
	public void RemoveAt(int index) => _internalList = _internalList.RemoveAt(index);
	public void Insert(T itemToAdd, int position) => _internalList = _internalList.Insert(position, itemToAdd);

As we can see, the wrapper class can add items to the immutable collections and we also reassign the result modifying operation to the same _internalList field, which has a private setter and is initialized to an empty array in the constructor. This gives you mutability to the immutable collection without having to remember to reassign the variable, which is error prone in itself. Note - we have called the _internalList and you see that we can get thi What is the benefit of this ? Well, although we can reach into the internal collection with the Contents method here, the immutable list is still immutable. If you want to change it, you have to call specific methods here on it offered in the wrapping class. So, data-integrity wise, we have data that only can change via the methods offered in the wrapping class. A collection which is not immutable can be changed in many ways only by giving access to it. We still have control over the data via the wrapper and we make it easier to consume the immutable class by reassigning the collection.