Tuesday, 31 December 2019

DistinctBy operator written in Typescript

I am extended my Linq library for Typescript with many more methods! Here is my implementation of DistinctBy.

if (!Array.prototype.DistinctBy) {
  Array.prototype.DistinctBy = function <T>(property: (keyof T)): T[] {
    if (this === null || this === undefined) {
      return [];
    let filteringArray = this.Select(property).map(n => n[property]);

    let distinctRunOnArray = this.filter((value, index, array) => {
      let valueProperty = value[property];
      return filteringArray.indexOf(valueProperty) === index;
    return distinctRunOnArray;

This Jasmine test can test this operator out.
describe('TSLinq Jasmine tests', () => {

  it('can filter out duplicates using DistinctBy on array of items of objects', () => {
    let someArray: Student[] = [];
    someArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 1, StudentName: "John", Age: 13 });
    someArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 2, StudentName: "Moin", Age: 21 });
    someArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 2, StudentName: "Moin", Age: 21 });
    someArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 4, StudentName: "Ram", Age: 20 });
    someArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 5, StudentName: "Ron", Age: 15 });
    let expectedArray: Student[] = [];
    expectedArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 1, StudentName: "John", Age: 13 });
    expectedArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 2, StudentName: "Moin", Age: 21 });
    expectedArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 4, StudentName: "Ram", Age: 20 });
    expectedArray.push(<Student>{ StudentID: 5, StudentName: "Ron", Age: 15 });
    let result = someArray.DistinctBy<Student>("StudentID");

The Student class is simple:

class Student {
  StudentID: number;
  StudentName: string;
  Age: number;

Implementing OfType in Typescript

I am working on my Linq library for Typescript and wanted to implement OfType. Turns out, this is hard because the generic type arguments in Typescript usually requires a value, i.e. an object instance of type T to get any shape information at run-time. So I ended up passing in a vanilla object setting default property values instead. Here is how my implementation ended up:

function isOfSimilarShape<T>(input: any, compareObject: T): boolean {
  if (input === undefined || input === null || compareObject === undefined || compareObject === null)
    return false;

  let propsOfInput = Object.keys(input);
  let propsOfCompareObject = Object.keys(compareObject);
  let sameShapeOfInputAndCompareObject = propsOfInput.EqualTo(propsOfCompareObject);
  return sameShapeOfInputAndCompareObject;

if (!Array.prototype.OfType) {
  Array.prototype.OfType = function <T>(compareObject: T): T[] {
    let result: T[] = [];
    this.forEach(el => {
      let t: T = null;
      if (isOfSimilarShape(el, compareObject))
    return result;

The following Jasmine test shows its usage:

describe('Array Extensions tests', () => {

  it('can find desired items using OfType of type T', () => {
    let someMixedArray: any[] = [];
    someMixedArray.push(<SomeClass>{ Name: "Foo", Num: 1 });
    someMixedArray.push(<SomeOtherClass>{ SomeName: "BarBazBaze", SomeOtherNum: 813 });
    someMixedArray.push(<SomeClass>{ Name: "FooBaz", Num: 4 });
    someMixedArray.push(<SomeOtherClass>{ SomeName: "BarBaze", SomeOtherNum: 13 });
    someMixedArray.push(<SomeClass>{ Name: "AllyoBaze", Num: 7 });

    let compareObject = <SomeClass>{ Name: "", Num: 0 };
    let filteredArrayBySpecifiedType = someMixedArray.OfType(compareObject);

    expect(filteredArrayBySpecifiedType.All(item => <SomeClass>item !== undefined)).toBe(true, "Expected only items of type SomeOtherClass in the filtered array after running OfType of SomeOtherClass on it.");

It would be nice if we did not have to pass in a vanilla object and populate its properties, but I could not find any tips online or in the Typescript documentation for how to implement extracting type information from generic arguments of Typescript. This is very easy in C#, but while Typescript gives compilation type information, getting runtime information from generic arguments in the Javascript code that Typescript compiles into turned much harder.

Monday, 30 December 2019

More methods: Any, All, EnumerableRange, GroupBy for Linq like library written in TypeScript

I am extending my TypeScript library written to target Linq like methods, which can be used with Angular 8 and Typescript also. You can find my Github repo SimpleLinqLibraryTs here: https://github.com/toreaurstadboss/SimpleLinqLibraryTs/blob/master/src/app/array-extensions.ts

export { } //creating a module of below code
declare global {
  type predicate<T> = (arg: T) => boolean;
  interface Array<T> {
    FirstOrDefault<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    LastOrDefault<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T;
    Where<T>(condition: predicate<T>): T[];
    Select<T>(...properties: (keyof T)[]): any[];
    GroupBy<T>(groupFunc: (arg: T) => string): any[];
    EnumerableRange(start: number, count: number): number[];
    Any<T>(condition: predicate<T>): boolean;
    All<T>(condition: predicate<T>): boolean;

if (!Array.prototype.FirstOrDefault) {
  Array.prototype.FirstOrDefault = function <T>(condition: predicate<T>): T {
    let matchingItems: T[] = this.filter((item: T) => {
      if (condition(item))
        return item;
    return matchingItems.length > 0 ? matchingItems[0] : null;

if (!Array.prototype.Any) {
  Array.prototype.Any = function <T>(condition: predicate<T>): boolean {
    if (this.length === 0)
      return false;
    let result: boolean = false;
    for (let index = 0; index < this.length; index++) {
      const element = this[index];
      if (condition(element)) {
        result = true;
    return result;

if (!Array.prototype.All) {
  Array.prototype.All = function <T>(condition: predicate<T>): boolean {
    if (this.length === 0)
      return false;
    let result: boolean = true;
    for (let index = 0; index < this.length; index++) {
      const element = this[index];
      if (!condition(element)) {
        result = false;
    return result;

if (!Array.prototype.LastOrDefault) {
  Array.prototype.LastOrDefault = function <T>(condition: predicate<T>): T {
    let matchingItems: T[] = this.filter((item: T) => {
      if (condition(item))
        return item;
    return matchingItems.length > 0 ? matchingItems[matchingItems.length - 1] : null;

if (!Array.prototype.Select) {
  Array.prototype.Select = function <T>(...properties: (keyof T)[]): any[] {
    let result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      let item: any = {};
      for (let j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) {
        let key = properties[j];
        item[key] = this[i][properties[j]];
    return result;

if (!Array.prototype.GroupBy) {
  Array.prototype.GroupBy = function <T>(groupFunc: (arg: T) => string): any[] {
    let groups: any = {};
    this.forEach(el => {
      let itemKeyValue: any = groupFunc(el);
      if (itemKeyValue in groups === false) {
        groups[itemKeyValue] = [];
    let result = Object.keys(groups).map(key => {
      return {
        key: key,
        values: groups[key]
    return result;

function* Range(start, count) {
  for (let x = start; x < start + count; x++) {
    yield x;

if (!Array.prototype.EnumerableRange) {
  Array.prototype.EnumerableRange = function (start: number, count: number): number[] {
    let generatedRange = [...Range(start, count)];
    return generatedRange;

if (!Array.prototype.Where) {
  Array.prototype.Where = function <T>(condition: predicate<T>): T[] {

    let matchingItems: T[] = this.filter((item: T) => {

      if (condition(item)) {
        return true;
    return matchingItems;