Monday, 14 September 2015

Creating a MSMQ queue with Powershell

In Powershell, we can create a MSMQ queue using. In addition we can set the Access Control rights on the queue readily.

#MSMQ Queue Creation Tool (Powershell) 
#Setup the script here 
$queueName = ".\somepublicqueue"
$userNameWithFullPermission = "somedomain\someuser" #adjust username here 
Write-Host "MSMQ Queue creation tool" 
Write-Host "" 
Write-Host "Loading the .NET Messaging assembly ...." 
Write-Host "Loaded System.Messaging assembly." 
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Creating MSMQ PublicQueue" 
if (![System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::Exists($queueName)){
    Write-Host "Creating queue with name: $queueName"
    $queue = [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::Create($queueName) 
    Write-Host "Queue created."
    Write-Host "Setting up permissions on queue $queueName Giving full permission to user: $userNameWithFullPermission"
    Write-Host "Queue permissions set."
else {
    Write-Host "Queue already exists." 
Write-Host "The following public queues were found on this machine" 
$queues = [System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::GetPublicQueuesByMachine(".") 
foreach ($q in $queues){
 Write-Host "        "$q.QueueName -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Done.";

Thursday, 10 September 2015

ServiceStack.Redis C# client demo

This article shows some simple code to communicate with , using ServiceStack.Redis. The easiest way to install ServiceStack.Redis client is to use the Nuget Package Manager GUI inside Visual Studio, as there are several packages. The following packages are required:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <package id="ServiceStack.Common" version="4.0.44" targetFramework="net45" />
  <package id="ServiceStack.Interfaces" version="4.0.44" targetFramework="net45" />
  <package id="ServiceStack.Redis" version="4.0.44" targetFramework="net45" />
  <package id="ServiceStack.Text" version="4.0.44" targetFramework="net45" />

The easiest way to install is to use Manage Nuget Packages and search for "redis" and choose "C# Redis client for the Redis NoSQL DB", as displayed above. After adding the Redis client Nuget library, make sure you have access to a Redis server. On Windows, it is possible to install Redis server by downloading it from the GitHub page supported by MSOpenTech. Note that Redis server is officially supported on Linux and in production environments, Redis is considered a bit experimental for Windows servers. However, Redis is now an established technology. It is though suggested to download not the very newest version of the Redis package and server, version 2.6 should work well as of now (p.t. 10.09.2015). Download the Redis client and server from here: Redis 64 Windows binaries (zipped) Installing Redis is dead simple, just unzip and copy Redis binaries to a folder. However, for production environments, you will want to install Redis as a Windows Service. This is explained here: Running Redis as a Windows Service Here is some sample code that communicates with the Redis server (considered to be available on localhost, default port is 6379):

using ServiceStack.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace RedisTesting
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)







            Console.WriteLine("Press the ENTER key to exit.");


        private static void SubscribeDemo()
            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                var sub = client.CreateSubscription();
                sub.OnMessage = (c, m) => Console.WriteLine("Got message {0} from channel {1}", m, c);

        private static void PublishDemo()
            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                client.PublishMessage("debug", "Hello C#");

        private static void TransactionDemo()
            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                var transaction = client.CreateTransaction();
                transaction.QueueCommand(c => c.Set("abc", 1));
                transaction.QueueCommand(c => c.Increment("abc", 1));
                var result = client.Get<int>("abc");

        private static void RedisTypedClientDemo()
            long lastId = 0;

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                var customerClient = client.As<Customer>();
                var customer = new Customer
                    Id = customerClient.GetNextSequence(),
                    Adress = "123 Main Street",
                    Name = "Bob Green",
                    Orders = new List<Order>
                        new Order { OrderNumber = "AB123" },
                        new Order { OrderNumber = "AB124" }

                var storedCustomer = customerClient.Store(customer);
                lastId = storedCustomer.Id;


            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                var customerClient = client.As<Customer>();
                var customer = client.GetById<Customer>(lastId);
                Console.WriteLine("Get customer {0}, with name {1}", customer.Id, customer.Name);

        private static void RedisClientDemo()
            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                var customerNames = client.Lists["urn:customernames"];

            using (IRedisClient client = new RedisClient())
                var customerNames = client.Lists["urn:customernames"];

                foreach (var customerName in customerNames)
                    Console.WriteLine("Customer: " + customerName);

        private static void NativeClientDemo()
            using (IRedisNativeClient client = new RedisClient("localhost", 6379))
                client.Set("urn:messages:1", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello C# World"));

            using (IRedisNativeClient client = new RedisClient("localhost", 6379))
                var result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(client.Get("urn:messages:1"));
                Console.WriteLine("Message:" + result);

//Class Customer

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace RedisTesting
    public class Customer

        public long Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public string Adress { get; set; }

        public List<Order> Orders { get; set; }



//Class Order 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace RedisTesting
    public class Order

        public string OrderNumber { get; set; }



Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Powershell execution from C#

This article will display an entertaining example how to execute Powershell from C#. We will use Linqpad, available here: Download LinqPad now The code executes a Powershell scripts, then uses different objects in System.Management.Automation for working with Powershell from C#. The Powershell script is executed inside Linqpad, where C# code is pasted. The code itself will animate the active processes on the computer running the Linqpad C# code, executing the Powershell script. The code is listed below. Paste the code into Linqpad. You might want to adjust the Task.Delay and for loop for controlling how quick you want to refresh and how long to run (# iterations).

public class CpuNode {

 public CpuNode(string name, int percentage){
  ProcessName = name; 
  Percentage = percentage; 

 public string ProcessName { get; set; }
 public int Percentage { get; set; }


async void Main()
 Chart c = new Chart(); 
 Series s  = c.Series.Add("ActiveProcesses"); 
 s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column;  

 Title title = new Title("Active processes using CPU (%)", Docking.Top, new Font("Verdana", 18), Color.MidnightBlue); 
 var ca = new ChartArea();  
 var ca3D = new ChartArea3DStyle(); 
 ca3D.Enable3D = true; 
 ca.Area3DStyle = ca3D; 
 ca.AxisY.Maximum = 100;
 ca.AxisY.Minimum = 0; 
 ca.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue;
 ca.AxisX.Title = "Process name"; 
 ca.AxisY.Title = "CPU Percentage %"; 
 Legend lg = new Legend(); 
 lg.Title = "CPU"; 
 lg.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue; 
 string cpuPsScript = @"get-wmiobject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process| 
Select-Object -Property Name, PercentProcessorTime | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne '_Total'  } | 
Where-Object { $_.Name -ne 'Idle' } "; 
 using (PowerShell powerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create()){
  List<CpuNode> nodes = new List<CpuNode>();
  for (int i=0; i<1000; i++){
  Collection<PSObject> psOutput = powerShellInstance.Invoke();
  int n = 1; 
  foreach (PSObject outputItem in psOutput){
    try {
    string processName = outputItem.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString();
    int processPercentage = int.Parse(outputItem.Properties["PercentProcessorTime"].Value.ToString()); 
    var node = new CpuNode(processName, processPercentage);              
    } //try 
    catch (Exception err){
    } //try-catch  
  } //foreach
  foreach (var node in nodes.OrderBy(x => x.ProcessName)){
   var dt = new DataPoint(n, node.Percentage); 
   if (node.Percentage > 1){
    dt.Label = node.ProcessName + " (" + node.Percentage + "%)"; 
   dt.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF418CF0"); 
   n = n + 1; 
   await Task.Delay(250);
 } //for  


// Define other methods and classes here

The code uses the Powershell cmdlet get-mwiobject and uses the performance counter Win32_PerfFormatttedData_PerfProc_Process We use the PowerShell.Create() method to create the Powershell instance and add a script using the .AddScript method. We then Invoke the Powershell instance, grab hold of the PsObject items and then readily accesses the Properties inside. We build up a Chart object with a chart series, having data points and setting up a nice formatting. When the Chart object is created, we let LinqPad display it for us in a tab pane. Now that was fun, wasn't it? Now go code some more :-)