Showing posts with label Blazor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blazor. Show all posts

Sunday 11 December 2022

Presentation in Norwegian presenting demo repository with GraphQL and Hotchocolate/Strawberryshake

I have written a presentation about GraphQL demo repository of mine here. It is in Norwegian, so it will not be translated to english here. For Norwegian readers : Jeg har skrevet en presentasjon på norsk om GraphQL som går igjennom et demo repository som benytter GraphQL, med HotChocolate i backend, sammen med Entity Framework Core 6 og .net 6 (C# selvsagt) og som i frontend benytter Blazor og StrawberryShake ! Dere kan lese de 43 slidesene vedlagt OneDrive lenken under. I foredraget går jeg igjennom key giveaways om GraphQL, inkludert case insensitive søk, omtale om paginerte data og projisering og gir et overblikk av hva GraphQL går ut på og hvilke fordeler man kan få ut av det. Sentrale fordeler med GraphQL er : * Fleksibilitet - spesifiser hvilke felter du vil ha for å unngå "overfetching" * -Ytelse - færre API kall og unngår waterfall opphenting hvor man må hente opp stadig flere ressurser som i fra et REST API, men får en aggreggert tilpasset struktur av de data man faktisk vil ha tilbake * Ett felles endepunkt /graphql - man slipper å lage controllere som i REST API - som ofte føles som unødvendig. GraphQL er ikke noe som kan løse alle utfordringer i API design, men det kan gi klienter mye mer fleksibilitet og også unngå at API designere må stadig lage flere metoder og som har både "overfetching" eller enda verre - underfetching - som gir flere API kall og dårligere ytelse. Man utnytter båndbredde og serverressurser bedre ved å kun hente ut informasjon man trenger. Og GraphQL er ikke bare orientert rundt spørringer, men også endringer (mutations), pub sub event pattern (Subscriptions) og en hel del annen funksjonalitet som tilhører API design ! Du kan lese Powerpoint presentasjonen her (43 slides, lesetid ca 1 time om du vil studere det nøye, en 15 minutt om du vil skumlese mer). #blazor #hotchocolate #strawberryshake #chillicream #apidesign #csharp #dotnet #codinggrounds The presentation is here :

Powerpoint presentation (Norwegian, 11th december 2022) :!AhGGDxs-tzqJcFrls6Fue8Xnjx4?e=lWYYwU

Thursday 31 December 2020

Simple property grid in Blazor

This artile will present a simple property grid in Blazor I have made. The component relies on standard stuff like Bootstrap, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap and Font Awesome. But the repo url shown here links to the Github repo of mine which can be easily forked if you want to add features (such as editing capabilities). The component already supports nested levels, so if the object you inspect has a hierarchical structure, this is shown in this Blazor component. Having a component to inspect objects in Blazor is great as Blazor lacks inspect tools (since the app is compiled into a web assembly, we cannot easily inspect state of objects in the app other than the DOM and Javascript objects. With this component we can get basic inspection support to inspect state of the object in the app you desire to inspect). The Github repo contains also a bundled application which uses the component and shows a sample use-case (also shown in Gif video below). I have tested the component with three levels of depth for a sample object (included in the repo). The component is available here on my Github repo:
 git clone
The component consists of two components where one of them is used in a recursive manner to support nested object structure. The top level component got this code-behind class.
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web; using Microsoft.JSInterop; namespace BlazorPropertyGridComponents.Components { public class PropertyGridComponentBase : ComponentBase { [Inject] public IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; set; } [Parameter] public object DataContext { get; set; } public Dictionary<string, PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent> Props { get; set; } public PropertyGridComponentBase() { Props = new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent>(); } protected override void OnParametersSet() { Props.Clear(); if (DataContext == null) return; Props["ROOT"] = MapPropertiesOfDataContext(string.Empty, DataContext, null); StateHasChanged(); } private bool IsNestedProperty(PropertyInfo pi) => pi.PropertyType.IsClass && pi.PropertyType.Namespace != "System"; private PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent MapPropertiesOfDataContext(string propertyPath, object parentObject, PropertyInfo currentProp) { if (parentObject == null) return null; var publicProperties = parentObject.GetType() .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); var propertyNode = new PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent { PropertyName = currentProp?.Name ?? "ROOT", PropertyValue = parentObject, PropertyType = parentObject.GetType(), FullPropertyPath = TrimFullPropertyPath($"{propertyPath}.{currentProp?.Name}") ?? "ROOT", IsClass = parentObject.GetType().IsClass && parentObject.GetType().Namespace != "System" }; foreach (var p in publicProperties) { var propertyValue = p.GetValue(parentObject, null); if (!IsNestedProperty(p)) { propertyNode.SubProperties.Add(p.Name, new PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent { IsClass = false, FullPropertyPath = TrimFullPropertyPath($"{propertyPath}.{p.Name}"), PropertyName = p.Name, PropertyValue = propertyValue, PropertyType = p.PropertyType //note - SubProperties are default empty if not nested property of course. } ); } else { //we need to add the sub property but recurse also call to fetch the nested properties propertyNode.SubProperties.Add(p.Name, new PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent { IsClass = true, FullPropertyPath = propertyPath + p.Name, PropertyName = p.Name, PropertyValue = MapPropertiesOfDataContext(TrimFullPropertyPath($"{propertyPath}.{p.Name}"), propertyValue, p), PropertyType = p.PropertyType //note - SubProperties are default empty if not nested property of course. } ); } } return propertyNode; } protected void toggleExpandButton(MouseEventArgs e, string buttonId) { JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("toggleExpandButton", buttonId); } private string TrimFullPropertyPath(string fullpropertypath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullpropertypath)) return fullpropertypath; return fullpropertypath.TrimStart('.').TrimEnd('.'); } } }
And its razor file looks like this:
@inherits PropertyGridComponentBase @using BlazorPropertyGridComponents.Components <table class="table table-striped col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-sm-6"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Property</th> <th scope="col">Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent> prop in Props) { @if (!prop.Value.IsClass) { @* <tr> <td>@prop.Key</td> <td>@prop.Value</td> </tr>*@ } else { var currentNestedDiv = "currentDiv_" + prop.Key; var currentProp = prop.Value.PropertyValue; //must be a nested class property <tr> <td colspan="2"> <button type="button" id="@prop.Key" class="btn btn-info fas fa-minus" @onclick="(e) => toggleExpandButton(e,prop.Key)" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#@currentNestedDiv"> </button> <div id="@currentNestedDiv" class="collapse show"> <PropertyRowComponent Depth="1" PropertyInfoAtLevel="@prop.Value" /> </div> </td> </tr> } } </tbody> </table> @code { }
We also have this helper class to model each property in the nested structure:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace BlazorPropertyGridComponents.Components { /// <summary> /// Node class for hierarchical structure of property info for an object of given object graph structure. /// </summary> public class PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent { public PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent() { SubProperties = new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent>(); } public string PropertyName { get; set; } public object PropertyValue { get; set; } public Type PropertyType { get; set; } public Dictionary<string, PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent> SubProperties { get; private set; } public string FullPropertyPath { get; set; } public bool IsClass { get; set; } } }
Our lower component used by the top component code-behind looks like this:
using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web; using Microsoft.JSInterop; namespace BlazorPropertyGridComponents.Components { public class PropertyRowComponentBase : ComponentBase { public PropertyRowComponentBase() { DisplayedFullPropertyPaths = new List<string>(); } [Parameter] public PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent PropertyInfoAtLevel { get; set; } [Parameter] public int Depth { get; set; } [Parameter] public List<string> DisplayedFullPropertyPaths { get; set; } [Inject] protected IJSRuntime JsRunTime { get; set; } protected void toggleExpandButton(MouseEventArgs e, string buttonId) { JsRunTime.InvokeVoidAsync("toggleExpandButton", buttonId); } } }
The razor file looks like this:
@using BlazorPropertyGridComponents.Components @inherits PropertyRowComponentBase @foreach (var item in PropertyInfoAtLevel.SubProperties.Keys) { var propertyInfoAtLevel = PropertyInfoAtLevel.SubProperties[item]; if (propertyInfoAtLevel != null) { @* if (DisplayedFullPropertyPaths.Contains(propertyInfoAtLevel.FullPropertyPath)){ continue; //the property is already displayed. }*@ DisplayedFullPropertyPaths.Add(propertyInfoAtLevel.FullPropertyPath); @* <span class="text-white bg-dark">@propertyInfoAtLevel.FullPropertyPath</span>*@ @* <em> @propertyInfoAtLevel </em>*@ } if (!propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyType.IsClass || propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyType.Namespace.StartsWith("System")) { <tr> <td> <span title="@propertyInfoAtLevel.FullPropertyPath" class="font-weight-bold">@propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyName</span> </td> <td> <span>@propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyValue</span> </td> </tr> } else if (propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyValue != null && propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyValue is PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent) { var nestedLevel = (PropertyInfoAtLevelNodeComponent)propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyValue; var collapseOrNotCssClass = Depth == 0 ? "collapse show" : "collapse"; var curDepth = Depth + 1; collapseOrNotCssClass += " depth" + Depth; var currentNestedDiv = "collapsingdiv_" + propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyName; //must be a nested class property <tr> <td colspan="2"> <span>@propertyInfoAtLevel.PropertyName</span> <button id="@propertyInfoAtLevel.FullPropertyPath" type="button" @onclick="(e) => toggleExpandButton(e,propertyInfoAtLevel.FullPropertyPath)" class="fas btn btn-info fa-plus" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#@currentNestedDiv"></button> <div id="@currentNestedDiv" class="@collapseOrNotCssClass"> <PropertyRowComponent PropertyInfoAtLevel="@nestedLevel" Depth="@curDepth" /> </div> </td> </tr> } } @code { }

Saturday 19 May 2018

Call a Javascript function from Blazor page

This article will show how a Js function can be called from a Blazor page. First off, create a button like this:
 <button class="btn btn-warning" onclick="@SayHelloToBlazor">Click me!</button>
Then define the .Net method to handle the onclick event.
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser.Interop

 private async void ShowAlert()
    if (RegisteredFunction.Invoke("showAlert", "Hello World!"))
        Console.WriteLine("The Js function showAlert was called!");
The code invokes a registered function with the invoke method and passing in the method name and an argument. Note that you must add the Interop namespace to Blazor in AspNetCore. We then add the Js function, but Blazor will give you a compiler error if you put the Js function in the same file as the Blazor page. Instead, add it in the index.html file under wwwroot folder of your Blazor project (check the wwwroot folder). You can define the Js function in a .js file or right into the index.html file.

    Blazor.registerFunction('showAlert', (msg) => {
        return true;


Note that if you refactor the Js method, your reference in the .DotNet code of Blazor will of course go stale, and you must update it. Since we return true (as Blazor wants you to do), we can act upon that in the Blazor code as a callback (check the async modifier of the DotNet method). That is what you need to do to get started with calling Javascript from Blazor page running in DotNetCore 2.1 and later.