I have looked into Azure Cosmos DB to learn a bit about this schemaless database in Azure cloud. It is a powerful 'document database' which saves and loads data inside 'containers'
in databases in Azure. You can work against this database strongly typed in C# by for example creating a repository pattern.
The code I have made is in a class library which you can clone from here:
To get started with Azure Cosmos DB, you must create a user first that is against Azure Cosmos DB. This will be your 'db user' in the cloud of course. When you start up Azure Cosmos DB,
select the data explorer tab to view your data, where you can enter manual queries and look at data (and manipulate it).
Note that there are already more official packages for repository pattern .NET SDK available by David Pine, which you should consider using as shown here:
However, I have also published and pushed a simple GitHub repo I have created here which might be easier to get started with and understand. My goal anyways was to have a learning experience myself with testing out
Azure Cosmos DB.
The Github repo is available here:
The methods of the repository is listed inside IRepository :
using AzureCosmosDbRepositoryLib.Contracts;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
///<summary>/// Repository pattern for Azure Cosmos DB///</summary>publicinterfaceIRepository<T> whereT : IStorableEntity
///<summary>/// Adds an item to container in DB. ///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="item"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ISingleResult<T>?> Add(T item);
///<summary>/// Retrieves an item to container in DB. Param <paramref name="partitionKey"/> and param <paramref name="id"/> should be provided.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ISingleResult<T>?> Get(IdWithPartitionKey id);
///<summary>/// Searches for a matching items by predicate (where condition) given in <paramref name="searchRequest"/>.///</summary>///<param name="searchRequest"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ICollectionResult<T>?> Find(ISearchRequest<T> searchRequest);
///<summary>/// Searches for a matching items by predicate (where condition) given in <paramref name="searchRequest"/>.///</summary>///<param name="searchRequest"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ISingleResult<T>?> FindOne(ISearchRequest<T> searchRequest);
///<summary>/// Removes an item from container in DB. Param <paramref name="partitionKey"/> and param <paramref name="id"/> should be provided.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="partitionKey"></param>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ISingleResult<T>?> Remove(IdWithPartitionKey id);
///<summary>/// Removes items from container in DB. Param <paramref name="ids"/> must be provided.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="partitionKey"></param>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ICollectionResult<T>?> RemoveRange(List<IdWithPartitionKey> ids);
///<summary>/// Adds a set of items to container in DB. A shared partitionkey is used and the items are added inside a transaction as a single operation.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="items"></param>///<param name="partitionKey"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ICollectionResult<T>?> AddRange(IDictionary<PartitionKey, T> items);
///<summary>/// Adds or updates items via 'Upsert' method in container in DB. ///</summary>///<param name="item"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ICollectionResult<T>?> AddOrUpdateRange(IDictionary<PartitionKey, T> items);
///<summary>/// Adds or updates an item via 'Upsert' method in container in DB. ///</summary>///<param name="item"></param>///<returns></returns>
Task<ISingleResult<T>?> AddOrUpdate(T item);
///<summary>/// Retrieves results paginated of page size. Looks at all items of type <typeparamref name="T"/> in the container. Send in a null value for continuationToken in first request and then use subsequent returned continuation tokens to 'sweep through' the paged data divided by <paramref name="pageSize"/>.///</summary>///<param name="pageSize"></param>///<param name="continuationToken"></param>///<param name="sortDescending">If true, sorting descending (sorting via LastUpdate property so newest items shows first)</param>///<returns></returns>
Task<IPaginatedResult<T>?> GetAllPaginated(int pageSize, string? continuationToken = null, bool sortDescending = false, Expression<Func<T, object>>[]? sortByMembers = null);
///<summary>/// On demand method exposed from exposing this respository on demands. Frees up resources such as CosmosClient object inside.///</summary>voidDispose();
///<summary>/// Returns name of database in Azure Cosmos DB///</summary>///<returns></returns>string? GetDatabaseName();
///<summary>/// Returns Container id inside database in Azure Cosmos DB///</summary>///<returns></returns>string? GetContainerId();
Let's first look at retrieving the paginated results using a 'continuation token' which is how you do paging inside Azure Cosmos DB where this token is a 'bookmark'.
publicasync Task<IPaginatedResult<T>?> GetAllPaginated(int pageSize, string? continuationToken = null, bool sortDescending = false,
Expression<Func<T, object>>[]? sortByMembers = null)
string sortByMemberNames = sortByMembers == null ? "c.LastUpdate" :
string.Join(",", sortByMembers.Select(x => "c." + x.GetMemberName()).ToArray());
var query = new QueryDefinition($"SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY {sortByMemberNames}{(sortDescending ? "DESC" : "ASC")}".Trim()); //default query - will filter to type T via 'ItemQueryIterator<T>' var queryRequestOptions = new QueryRequestOptions
MaxItemCount = pageSize
var queryResultSetIterator = _container.GetItemQueryIterator<T>(query, requestOptions: queryRequestOptions,
continuationToken: continuationToken);
var result = queryResultSetIterator.HasMoreResults ? await queryResultSetIterator.ReadNextAsync() : null;
if (result == null)
var sourceContinuationToken = result.ContinuationToken;
var paginatedResult = new PaginatedResult<T>(sourceContinuationToken, result.Resource);
return paginatedResult;
We sort by LastUpdate member default and we send in the pagesize, sorting ascending default and allowing to specify sorting members. A helper method to get the name of the property expressions to use as sorting member is also used here. We get a query item iterator from the 'container' and then read the found items which is in the Resource property, all asynchronously. Note that we return the continutation token here in the end and we initially send in null as the continuation token. Each call to getting a new page will get a new continuation token so we can browse through the data in pages. When the continuation token is null, we have come to the end of the data.
PaginatedResult looks like this:
Another thing in the lib is the contract IStorableEntity, which is a generic interface of type T, which defined a Id property - note the usage of JsonProperty attribute. Also, we set up a partition key for the item here.
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
string Id { get; set; }
PartitionKey? PartitionKey { get; }
DateTime? LastUpdate { get; set; }
It is important to both have set the id and partitionkey when you save, update and delete items in container in Azure Cosmos DB so it works as expected.
There are other methods in this repo as seen in the IRepository interface. The repository class will take care of creating the database and container in Azure Cosmos DB if required.
Note also that it is important in intranet scenarios to set up Gateway connection mode. This is done default and the reason why this is done is because of firewall issues.
privatevoidInitializeDatabaseAndContainer(CosmosClientOptions? clientOptions, ThroughputProperties? throughputPropertiesForDatabase, bool defaultToUsingGateway)
_client = clientOptions == null ?
defaultToUsingGateway ?
new CosmosClient(_connectionString, new CosmosClientOptions
ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Gateway //this is the connection mode that works best in intranet-environments and should be considered as best compatible approach to avoid firewall issues
}) :
new CosmosClient(_connectionString) :
new CosmosClient(_connectionString, _cosmosClientOptions);
//Run initialization if (throughputPropertiesForDatabase == null)
_database = Task.Run(async () => await _client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(_databaseName)).Result; //create the database if not existing (will go for default options regarding scaling)
_database = Task.Run(async () => await _client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(_databaseName, throughputPropertiesForDatabase)).Result; //create the database if not existing - specify specific through put options
// The container we will create.
_container = Task.Run(async () => await _database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(_containerId, _partitionKeyPath)).Result;
Another example using another iterator than the item query generator is the linq query generator. This is used inside the Find method :
publicasync Task<ICollectionResult<T>?> Find(ISearchRequest<T>? searchRequest)
if (searchRequest?.Filter == null)
returnawait Task.FromResult<ICollectionResult<T>?>(null);
var linqQueryable = _container.GetItemLinqQueryable<T>();
var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
usingvar feedIterator = linqQueryable.Where(searchRequest.Filter).ToFeedIterator();
while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
var items = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();
var result = BuildSearchResultCollection(items.Resource);
result.ExecutionTimeInMs = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
return result;
catch (Exception err)
returnawait Task.FromResult(BuildSearchResultCollection(err));
returnawait Task.FromResult<ICollectionResult<T>?>(null);
Note that this lib is using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos of version 3.29. There are differences between the major version obviously, so the methods shown here applies to Azure Cosmos DB 3.x. This is the only nuget package this lib requires. You should consider the SDK that David Pine created, but if you want to create a repository pattern against Azure Cosmos DB - then maybe you find my repository pattern a starting point and you can borrow some code from it.
One final note - I had troubles doing a batch insert in the lib for a type of T using transactions in Azure Cosmos DB, that this seems to require a common partition key - it ended up in a colission. So the AddRange method in the lib is not batched with one partition but done sequentially looping through the items for now.. Other than that - the lib should work for some core usages in ordinary scenarios. The lib should log errors a bit better too, so the lib is primarily for demonstration usages and showing essential CRUD operations in Azure Cosmos DB.
Note that the connection string should be saved into a appsettings.json file for example or in dev environments consider using dotnet user secrets as I have done so we do not expose secrets to source control.
The connection string is shown under the 'Keys' tab in the Azure cosmos. You will look for 'primary connetion string' here as this is how you connect to your database and container(s), where data resides. Use the 'data explorer' tab to work with the data.
Usually we stick to the familiar data types, but EF Core 6 (Entity Framework) can also both save a custom data type and also load it up again. Usually, you would save the data type in a familiar representation and then have some mapper
method map into the desired type in a data transfer object - DTO. In this example we will anyways look at an alternative, a ValueConverter. This have been supported since EF Core 2.1.
We first off define a ValueConverter by inhering from the ValueConverter class. This takes a 'from' and 'to' generic type argument. We convert from a type into another type and vice versa. We send in two expressions to do these mappings to the
base constructor.
I have pushed the code here if you want to test out ValueConverter in EF Core yourself.
git clone https://github.com/toreaurstadboss/EfCore6ValueConversionTemplate.git
Let's see how we for example can save a Color (System.Drawing.Color) via its color name and load it up again.
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ValueConversion;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
publicclassColorValueConverter : ValueConverter<Color, string>
privatestatic Expression<Func<Color, string>> ColorString =
c => newstring(c.Name);
static Expression<Func<string, Color>> ColorStruct =
s => Color.FromName(s);
publicColorValueConverter() : base(ColorString, ColorStruct) {
Next up we 'bulk-configure' a value converter for the Color type to have conversion set to this ValueConverter. Inside the db context class we do :
We also define a migration for database and add a column in a table to save the color, which is defined as a string (varchar(100)) column, so we can test out the conversion.
A small console app then tests out the Value conversion :
// See https://aka.ms/new-console-template for more informationusing Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using PublisherData;
using System.Drawing;
Console.WriteLine("Posting a new author - testing out ValueConverter feature of EF Core 6");
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<PubContext>()
.UseSqlServer("Data Source = somedevmachine\\sqlexpress01; Initial Catalog = PubDatabase_M12_Api_EfCoreCourse; Trusted_Connection=true");
usingvar pubContext = new PubContext(options.Options);
var authorInsert = new PublisherDomain.Author
FirstName = "Claude",
LastName = "Monet",
FavoriteColor = Color.Aquamarine
await pubContext.SaveChangesAsync();
var insertedAuthor = pubContext.Authors.Find(authorInsert.AuthorId);
stringconvertColorToArgbName(Color someColor) => Color.FromArgb(someColor.ToArgb()).Name;
string insertedAuthorFavoriteColorArgb = convertColorToArgbName(authorInsert.FavoriteColor.Value);
string aquaMarineColorArgb = convertColorToArgbName(Color.Aquamarine);
Console.WriteLine($"Favorite color is expected? {insertedAuthorFavoriteColorArgb.Equals(aquaMarineColorArgb)}");
We save the favorite color and when we load up the entity again we load the expected color by checking the Argb value 'Name' property (the hexadecimal color value acutally).
The output then reads:
Posting a new author - testing out ValueConverter feature of EF Core 6
Favorite color is expected? True
This is a rather trivial example. We could have a more complex object which we wanted to save in a particular way to the database and load it up again. For some reason or another, that object might not just be serialized, saved and restored and loaded via deserialization. Anyways,
ValueConverter is a feature which I wanted to test out in EF Core and it is an alternative to be at least aware of.
This article will present how you can add a pipeline behavior to MediatR and then log to SeriLog and Seq. This makes it possible to add for example logging and use the 'decorator pattern' with MediatR to add
behavior to the pipeline of Asp.net core in general (.net 6 is used here). It is therefore sort of Middelware and tied together via MediatR.
First off, lets define the IPipelineBehavior, which will do our logging. Note that you have to add the generic type parameter where condition here of TRequest.
Note that we inject the ILogger<LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>> logger object here. In .net (core) we send in ILogger instance of the type of the class we are injecting into to log out to log sources and
SeriLog will present this information. Inside Seq we can also browse this log information.
We only log payloads if we are inside Development environment and the payload of request / response can be serialized and is below 50 kB.
using MediatR;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Diagnostics;
publicclassLoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse> : IPipelineBehavior<TRequest, TResponse> whereTRequest : IRequest<TResponse>
privatereadonly ILogger<LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>> _logger;
privatereadonly IWebHostEnvironment _environment;
publicLoggingBehavior(ILogger<LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>> logger, IWebHostEnvironment environment)
_logger = logger;
_environment = environment;
publicasync Task<TResponse> Handle(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken, RequestHandlerDelegate<TResponse> next)
string? requestData = null;
if (_environment.IsDevelopment())
//log serializable payload data in request (as json format) to SeriLog if we are inside Development environment and the payload is below 50 kB in serializable sizetry
requestData = request != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request) : null;
if (requestData?.Length > 50 * 1028)
requestData = null; //avoid showing data larger than 100 kB in serialized form in the logs of Seq / SeriLog
catch (Exception)
_logger.LogInformation($"Handling request {typeof(TRequest).Name} {{@requestData}}", requestData);
var response = await next();
string? responseData = null;
if (_environment.IsDevelopment())
//log serializable payload data in response (as json format) to SeriLog if we are in Development environment and the payload is below 50 kB in serialized sizetry
responseData = response != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response) : null;
if (responseData?.Length > 50 * 1028)
responseData = null; //avoid showing data larger than 100 kB in serialized form in the logs of Seq / SeriLog
catch (Exception)
_logger.LogInformation($"Handled request {typeof(TRequest).Name}. Returning result of type {typeof(TResponse).Name} {{@responseData}}.", responseData);
return response;
Afterwards register the IPipelineBehavior. Note how we also add UseSerilog method here and add Seq too.
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Database;
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Features.Books.Pipeline;
using MediatR;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Serilog;
using System.Reflection;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Host.UseSerilog((ctx, lc) =>
.WriteTo.Seq("http://localhost:5341")); //note - to use Seq with this url - install it from here (free individual license) : https://datalust.co/download// Add services to the container.
builder.Services.AddMediatR(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); //adding MediatR support here. //register some pipeline(s) defined for MediatR usage
builder.Services.AddTransient(typeof(IPipelineBehavior<,>), typeof(LoggingBehavior<,>));
// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at https://aka.ms/aspnetcore/swashbuckle
var connectionString = new ConnectionString(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("CqrsDemoBooksDb"));
builder.Services.AddDbContext<BooksDbContext>(options =>
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
Here are the updated nuget packages inside the csproj file of the Asp.net core project (.net 6) :
We also need to install Seq on our computer to see the messages sent to SeriLog inside Seq.
Go to this url to download free individual license of Seq :
You can see the logs at Seq's default url and also set up in Program.cs file :
This article will present a sample solution I have pushed to GitHub. It uses MediatR library to showcase CQRS pattern together with .NET 6 and Entity Framework Core.
MediatR takes care of decoupling the sending of messages to handling messages in-process. It can be used in the data layer together with EF Core for example to dispatch (send)
messages which will either handle (execute) a 'command' (defined in CQRS as a 'write operation') or process and return a 'query' (defined in CQRS as a 'read' operation). What we
gain from CQRS is the ability to offload the sending of these messages (commands and queries) to the correct handler for given message handler (executing either a 'command' or return the results
of a 'query') and this makes it easier to create scalable code in the data layer. It gives thinner Asp.net core (web api) controller actions in the sample demo.
First off, clone the solution :
The Wiki of MediatR contains some example code here:
We will first look into the Request /Reponse messages, dispatched to a single handler. These are either comands or queries in this sample.
Let us first consider a query that returns a list of books. Here is how it is implemented :
We see that we are supposed to handle the query async since we must return a Task of TResponse (although we could use Task.FromResult here if we wanted to return it synchronously..) where the TRequest is of type IRequest.
Note that Query only implements IRequest of the return type and has no properties (i.e. 'request parameters') since we return all books here and need no such parameters. We inject the DbContext here via dependency injection.
In Program.cs of the .NET 6 solution we add MediatR using the builder.Services.AddMediatR() method:
Program.cs (.NET 6 Web Api project)
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Database;
using MediatR;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.Reflection;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
builder.Services.AddMediatR(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); //adding MediatR support here.
// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at https://aka.ms/aspnetcore/swashbuckle
var connectionString = new ConnectionString(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("CqrsDemoBooksDb"));
builder.Services.AddDbContext<BooksDbContext>(options =>
var app = builder.Build();
// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
Nothing special here, just basic setup of a standard web api in Net 6 here, using the AddMediatR method pointing to the assembly where our contracts reside (commands and queries and their respective handlers).
The BookController web api controller looks like this :
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Database;
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Features.Books;
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Features.Books.Command;
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Features.Books.Query;
using MediatR;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
publicclassBookController : ControllerBase
privatereadonly IMediator _mediator;
publicBookController(IMediator mediator)
_mediator = mediator;
publicasync Task<IEnumerable<Book>> GetBooks()
var books = await _mediator.Send(new GetBooks.Query());
return books;
publicasync Task<Book> GetBook(int id)
var book = await _mediator.Send(new GetBooksById.Query { Id = id });
return book;
publicasync Task<ActionResult> AddBook([FromBody] AddNewBook.Command command)
var createdBookId = await _mediator.Send(command);
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetBook), new { id = createdBookId }, null);
publicasync Task<ActionResult> DeleteBook(int id)
await _mediator.Send(new DeleteCommand.Command { Id = id });
return NoContent();
As we see, we inject the IMediator here and then use the Dependency Injected field to send the command of query instance. Note the use of [FromBody] in Post requests to send the POST body into the handler for the Command.
Each query or command is implemented as nested classes where Query and QueryHandler is nested inside, implement IRequest of T and IRequestHandler of T (and return type U back again if we want a return result). If we do not want a
return result 'void' - we use the special type Unit. This signals that we do not return any results from the command or the query.
We can return an int value for the Command after we have inserted a row. It is okay in CQRS to return a resource identifier. CQRS allows also return results from command as long as it is a resource identifier to use to look up the data via a query.
(it could be Guid etc too if that is suitable).
Here is a example of a command that creates a book:
using CqrsDemoWebApi.Database;
using MediatR;
publicclassCommand : IRequest<int>
publicstring? Title { get; set; }
publicstring? Author { get; set; }
publicint Year { get; set; }
publicstring? ImageLink { get; set; }
publicint Pages { get; set; }
publicstring? Country { get; set; }
publicstring? Language { get; set; }
publicstring? Link { get; set; }
publicclassCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<Command, int>
privatereadonly BooksDbContext _booksDbContext;
publicCommandHandler(BooksDbContext booksDbContext)
_booksDbContext = booksDbContext;
publicasync Task<int> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var book = new Book
Title = request.Title,
Author = request.Author,
Year = request.Year,
ImageLink = request.ImageLink,
Pages = request.Pages,
Country = request.Country,
Language = request.Language,
Link = request.Link
await _booksDbContext.Books.AddAsync(book, cancellationToken);
return book.BookId;
A sample json body for the POST is then:
{"title":"Mythical Man Month","author":"Frederick Brooks","year":1975,"country":"USA","imagelink":"","pages":222}
We return the BookId of the new book as we impement IRequestHandler<int> . It is the auto generated id after saving the new book.
This database is seeded by the way via a json file like this :
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
publicstaticvoidSeedBooks(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder, string contentRootPath)
string jsonInput = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(contentRootPath, @"Database/Seed/books.json"));
var books = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Book[]>(jsonInput);
int bookId = 0;
foreach (var book in books!)
book.BookId = bookId;
modelBuilder.Entity<Book>().HasKey(b => b.BookId);
modelBuilder.Entity<Book>().Property(b => b.BookId).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();
Now, the naming of each nested command/command handler or query/queryhandler is given a generic name. It could be that you want to make this a more specific name, but the wrapping class is a good enough specifier for this.
I.e. GetBooks.Query() or AddNewBook.Command (we use [FromBody] here and there do not new up an instance like the Query) are specified enough allowing us to use generic nested class names..
MediatR simplifies the goal of implementing CQRS and following the mediator pattern. There are more possibilities with MediatR. Look at videos on Youtube for this topic for example.
This article will present code regarding the 'Unit of Work' pattern in Entity Framework, EF. I will also show updated code for a generic repository pattern of the same code.
Note that the code in this article is very general and can be run against your DbContext regardless of how it looks. It is solved general, using generics and some usage of reflection.
Note that this code goes against DbContext and is written in a solution that uses Entity Framework 6.4.4. However, the code here should work also in newer EF versions, that is - EF Core versions - such as
EF Core 6, as the code is very general and EF Core also got the similar structure at least concerning the code shown here..
First off, the code for the interface IUnitOfWork looks like this:
using SomeAcme.Common.Interfaces;
UnitOfWork AddRepository<T>() where T : class;
UnitOfWork AddCustomRepository<T>() where T : class;
UnitOfWork RemoveRepository<T>() where T : class;
IRepository<T> Repository<T>() where T : class;
The method Complete is important, as it will commit the transaction and perform changes to the database which the UnitOfWork implementation will work against.
The code for UnitWork implementation looks like this:
using SomeAcme.Common.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
publicclassUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
privatereadonly System.Data.Entity.DbContext _dbContext;
publicUnitOfWork(System.Data.Entity.DbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
_repositories = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public UnitOfWork AddRepository<T>() where T : class
if (!_repositories.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
var repoObj = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Repository<T>), _dbContext);
Repository<T> repo = repoObj as Repository<T>;
if (repo == null)
thrownew ArgumentNullException($"Could not instantiate repository of type {typeof(T).Name}");
_repositories[typeof(T)] = repo;
public UnitOfWork AddCustomRepository<T>() where T : class
if (!_repositories.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
bool checkImpementationPassesGenericInterfaceCheck = typeof(T).GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRepository<>));
if (!checkImpementationPassesGenericInterfaceCheck)
thrownew ArgumentException($"The type {typeof(T).Name} must implement IRepository<T> to be added as a custom repository");
var repoObj = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), _dbContext);
if (repoObj == null)
thrownew ArgumentNullException($"Could not instantiate repository of type {typeof(T).Name}");
_repositories[typeof(T)] = repoObj;
public UnitOfWork RemoveRepository<T>() where T : class
if (_repositories.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
publicIRepository<T> Repository<T>() where T : class
//find suitable repo - possibly a custom repo ..
IRepository<T> repoFound = null;
foreach (var item in _repositories)
if (item.Key == typeof(T))
repoFound = _repositories[typeof(T)] as IRepository<T>;
bool checkImpementationPassesGenericInterfaceCheck = item.Key.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IRepository<>));
if (checkImpementationPassesGenericInterfaceCheck)
//the repo implements IRepository<T> - this is the one to use
repoFound = item.Value as IRepository<T>;
if (repoFound == null)
thrownew ArgumentNullException($"Could not retrieve repositiory defined inside the UnitOfWork for entity of type: {typeof(T).Name}. Is it registered into the UnitOfWork. Use method 'AddRepository'");
return repoFound;
privatereadonly IDictionary<Type, object> _repositories;
if (_dbContext == null)
thrownew ArgumentNullException($"The db context object of the UnitOfWork class is null, cannot complete the UnitOfWork as the db context is not initialized! No changes was performed in DB !");
int numStateEntriesWritten = _dbContext.SaveChanges();
return numStateEntriesWritten;
_dbContext?.Dispose(); //dispose the passed in _shared_ db context instead of //disposing the db context inside each repository to dispose only once..
Note - this implementation focuses on being able to define repositories to the UnitOfWork before running the unit work in case you want to be able to specify which tables / entities got repositories in the db context. Many other implementations will specify the repositories to expose in the UnitOfWork via property getters for example.
This will make it easier to implement such a UnitOfWork implementation without this ability to expanding which repositories the UnitOfWork is supporting.
Also note that in case you want to add a custom repository that implements IRepository<T> you need to cast into that custom repository when you call the 'Repository' method.
A closed abstraction instead, where you do not add repositories like in this code may be more desirable. But perhaps there are scenarios where you want to add repositories that can take part in the UnitOfWork dynamically as shown here. The downside is that you need to initialize the UnitOfWork in addition to performing the database 'steps' before calling the 'Complete' method.
What is the most practical UnitOfWork implementation in many cases most probably will be a closed abstraction where you specify which repositories the UnitOfWork supports and avoid having to add repositories like shown here. I did this as an academic exercise to see if such an implementation was possible. The unit tests passes and it looks okay to implement. Note though that you should probably have some default initialization here, i.e. in the constructor of UnitOfWork specify some default repositories and consider if you want to allow adding or removing repositories in the UnitOfWork class. Also, removing repositories could be considered an anti-pattern, so you could disallow this - only allowing adding custom repositories implementating the IRepository<T> in addition to listing up some implemented repositories.
Important - always just pass in ONE db context. Each repository must use the same db context instance so the change tracking works as expected. Also note -
the UnitOfWork and repositories implement IDisposable. When UnitOfWork goes out of scope, the db context is disposed. In case you want to add the UnitOfWork as a service in a DI container, remember to set up a scoped instance so it will be disposed. In case you use Singleton - this will cause the db connection to hang around.. the Dispose method is exposed as a public method anyways and can be called to dispose on-demand..
Finally, here are some tests that passes testing out the UnitOfWork together with the generic repository pattern !
var dbContext = GetContext();
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(dbContext);
var operationExternalEquipment = new OperationExternalEquipment
OperationId = 10296,
EquipmentText = "Stent graft type ABC-123",
OrderedDate = DateTime.Today
var operationDiagnoseCode = new OperationDiagnoseCode
OperationId = 10296,
DiagnoseCodeId = "A09.9",
IsCodePreFabricated = true
int savedResult = unitOfWork.Complete();
//assert var savedOperationEquipmentsForOperation = unitOfWork.Repository<OperationExternalEquipment>().Find(x => x.OperationId == 10296).ToList();
savedOperationEquipmentsForOperation.Any(x => x.EquipmentText == "Stent graft type ABC-123").Should().BeTrue();
var savedOperationDiagnoseCodesForOperation = unitOfWork.Repository<OperationDiagnoseCode>().Find(x => x.OperationId == 10296).ToList();
savedOperationDiagnoseCodesForOperation.Any(x => x?.DiagnoseCodeId == "A09.9").Should().BeTrue();
savedResult = unitOfWork.Complete();
var dbContext = GetContext();
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(dbContext);
var operationExternalEquipment = new OperationExternalEquipment
OperationId = 10296,
EquipmentText = "Stent graft type DEF-456",
OrderedDate = DateTime.Today
int savedResult = unitOfWork.Complete();
//assert var savedOperationEquipmentsForOperation = unitOfWork.Repository<OperationExternalEquipment>().Find(x => x.OperationId == 10296).ToList();
savedOperationEquipmentsForOperation.Any(x => x.EquipmentText == "Stent graft type DEF-456").Should().BeTrue();
//check if we can use a custom repo method !var equipmentRepo = unitOfWork.Repository<OperationExternalEquipment>() as OperationExternalEquipmentCustomRepo;
var equipmentTexts = string.Join(",", equipmentRepo.GetEquipmentTexts(10296));
bool foundText = equipmentTexts.Contains("Stent graft type DEF-456");
savedResult = unitOfWork.Complete();
The adjusted implementation of Repository now looks like this - I have renamed many of the methods to be more standard compared to other implementations of the repository pattern demonstrated online in different videos on Youtube for example.
The updated interface for repository now looks like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
///<summary>/// Generic implementation of repository pattern for (should maybe have been implemented a decade ago to save some development time .. :-) to save some code in DAL-layer Data.EntityFramework ) ///</summary>///<typeparam name="T">Entity T (POCO for table)</typeparam>publicinterfaceIRepository<T> whereT : class
///<summary>/// Performs an insert of an entity///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="entity"></param>///<param name="keyValues">If set, these key values are used to locate entity in db after the insertion has been performed if specifed by other param for saveImmediate</param>///<param name="saveImmediate">Save immediately in db after adding the entity</param>T Add(T entity, bool saveImmediate = false);
///<summary>/// Performs an insert of multiple entities///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="entity"></param>///<param name="saveImmediate">Save immediately after adding item in db</param>IEnumerable<T> AddRange(IEnumerable<T> entity, bool saveImmediate = false);
///<summary>/// Saves changes. Commits the data to the database.///</summary>///<param name="dbContext">Db context</param>voidSaveChanges(object dbContext);
///<summary>/// Delete an entity specified by <paramref name="keyValues"/> to look up entity///</summary>///<param name="keyValues"></param>///<returns></returns>T Remove(bool saveImmediate, paramsobject[] keyValues);
///<summary>/// Deletes an entity specified by <paramref name="entity"/> from the database///</summary>///<param name="entity"></param>voidRemove(T entity, bool saveImmediate = false);
///<summary>/// Removes entities specified by <paramref name="entities"/> from the database///</summary>///<param name="entities"></param>voidRemoveRange(IEnumerable<T> entities, bool saveImmediate = false);
///<summary>/// Update <paramref name="entity"/>///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="entity"></param>///<param name="saveImmediate">Save immediate if set to true</param>///<returns></returns>T Update(T entity, bool saveImmediate, paramsobject[] keyValues);
///<summary>/// Equivalent to a 'GetById' method, but tailored for generic use. /// Retrieves <paramref name="idSelector"/> specified by <paramref name="idValue"/>///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="keyValues">Key values to use to find entity</param>T Get(bool asNoTracking = true, paramsobject[] keyValues);
///<summary>/// Retrieves entities of type <typeparamref name="T"/> via predicate <paramref name="condition"/>.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="condition"></param>///<returns></returns>///<param name="asNoTracking">If true, does not track items (less chance of db locks due to turning off change tracking) </param>IEnumerable<T> Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition, bool asNoTracking = true);
///<summary>/// Retrieves an entity of type <typeparamref name="T"/> via predicate <paramref name="condition"/>./// If not found, null is returned.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<param name="condition"></param>///<returns></returns>T GetByCondition(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition);
///<summary>/// Retrieve all the entities specified by <typeparamref name="T"/>.///</summary>///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>///<returns></returns>///<param name="asNoTracking">If true, does not track items (less chance of db locks due to turning off change tracking) </param>IEnumerable<T> GetAll(bool asNoTracking = true);
And the implementation looks like this:
using SomeAcme.Common.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
publicclassRepository<T> : IRepository<T>, IDisposablewhereT : class
privatereadonly System.Data.Entity.DbContext _dbContext;
publicRepository(System.Data.Entity.DbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public T Add(T entity, bool saveImmediate = false)
return ExecuteQuery((T obj, System.Data.Entity.DbContext dbContext) =>
var entityDb = dbContext.Set<T>().Add(entity);
if (saveImmediate)
return entityDb;
}, entity);
public T Add(T entity, bool saveImmediate = false, paramsobject[] keys)
return ExecuteQuery((T obj, System.Data.Entity.DbContext dbContext) =>
dbContext.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Added;
if (saveImmediate)
var entityInDb = dbContext.Set<T>().Find(keys);
return entityInDb;
}, entity);
public IEnumerable<T> AddRange(IEnumerable<T> entities, bool saveImmediate)
var entitites = _dbContext.Set<T>().AddRange(entities);
if (saveImmediate)
return entitites;
public T Remove(bool saveImmediate = false, paramsobject[] keyValues)
var entity = _dbContext.Set<T>().Find(keyValues);
if (entity == null)
var entry = _dbContext.Entry(entity);
if (entry == null)
entry.State = EntityState.Deleted;
if (saveImmediate)
return entity;
publicvoidRemove(T entity, bool saveImmediate = false)
if (saveImmediate)
publicvoidRemoveRange(IEnumerable<T> entities, bool saveImmediate = false)
if (saveImmediate)
///<summary>/// Note - requiring here that we have defined primary key(s) on the target tables ! ///</summary>///<param name="keyValues"></param>///<returns></returns>public T Get(paramsobject[] keyValues)
var entity = _dbContext.Set<T>().Find(keyValues);
_dbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Detached;
return entity;
public IEnumerable<T> GetAll(bool asNoTracking = true)
return asNoTracking ? _dbContext.Set<T>().AsNoTracking() : _dbContext.Set<T>();
public IEnumerable<T> Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition, bool asNoTracking = true)
IQueryable<T> query = asNoTracking ? _dbContext.Set<T>().AsNoTracking() : _dbContext.Set<T>();
var entities = query.Where(condition);
return entities;
public T GetByCondition(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition)
IQueryable<T> query = _dbContext.Set<T>().AsNoTracking();
var entities = query.Where(condition);
return entities.FirstOrDefault();
publicboolExistsByCondition(Expression<Func<T, bool>> condition)
IQueryable<T> query = _dbContext.Set<T>().AsNoTracking();
return query.Any(condition);
public T Get(bool asNoTracking, paramsobject[] keyValues)
var entity = asNoTracking ? _dbContext.Set<T>().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault() : _dbContext.Set<T>().Find(keyValues);
return entity;
publicvoidSaveChanges(object context)
var dbContext = context as System.Data.Entity.DbContext;
if (dbContext == null)
thrownew ArgumentException($"dbContext object inside save method : Must be of type System.Data.Entity.DbContext", nameof(context));
public T Update(T entity, bool saveImmediate = false, paramsobject[] keyValues)
return ExecuteQuery((T obj, System.Data.Entity.DbContext dbContext) =>
var entityInDb = dbContext.Set<T>().Find(keyValues);
if (entityInDb == null)
if (saveImmediate)
return obj;
}, entity);
private T ExecuteQuery(Func<T, System.Data.Entity.DbContext, T> query, T entity)
T result = query(entity, _dbContext);
return result;
privatevoidDispose(bool isDisposing)
if (isDisposing)
Totally, the code of the unit of work and repository pattern is about 300 lines of code combined. It should match a lot of Data Access Layer (DAL) implementations of Entity Framework, possible we could reduce a lot of code here in many projects by following these patterns which are accepted data access patterns defined by the 'Gang of four' way back many decades ago.
If I would adjust this code next I would do these modifications :
UnitOfWork should only allow adding custom repos in addition to some predefines repos. This should give an overall simplification of UnitOfWork
Specific transaction handling should be added, like setting the transaction isolation scope. Also speifically doing rollback in case anything crashes in UnitOfWork
Possible add some more shared utility methods inside Repository class if such should be added