Thursday, 16 December 2021

AngularJs directive for clearing a text field

I wrote an AngularJs directive at work today for clearing a text field. We still use this in multiple projects for front-end (although I have worked more with Angular than AngularJs last 2-3 years). The directive ended up like this (we use Bootstrap v2.3.2) :

angular.module('formModule').directive('addClearTextFieldBtn', function ($compile) {
        function link(scope, element, attrs) {
            var targetId =;
            var targetNgModel = attrs.ngModel;
            var minimumChars = attrs.clearTextFieldBtnMintextlength ? attrs.clearTextFieldBtnMintextlength : "1";
            var emptyValue = "''";
            var templateAppend = '<i id="clear' + targetId + '" ng-if="' + targetNgModel + ' && + ' + targetNgModel + '.length >= ' + minimumChars + '"' + 'ng-click="' + targetNgModel;
            templateAppend += ' = ' + emptyValue + '" class="glyphicon icon-remove form-control-feedback" title="Tøm innhold" style="cursor:pointer; pointer-events: all;" tooltip="clear"></i >';
            var clearButton = angular.element(templateAppend);
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            replace: false,
            link: link

Example usage inside a HTML helper in MVC for example:
add_clear_text_field_btn = "model.Icd10", data_clear_text_field_btn_mintextlength="3"
We pass in a HTML5 data value attribute to specify the minimum length to show the button to clear the field.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Displaying errors in Event Log with Out-GridView in Powershell

A user friendly way to view errors in Event log source from Powershell.
$rawUI = $Host.UI.RawUI
$oldSize = $rawUI.BufferSize
$typeName = $oldSize.GetType( ).FullName
$newSize = New-Object $typeName (500, $oldSize.Height)
$rawUI.BufferSize = $newSize

get-eventlog -logname someacmecompanyname | where-object { $_.source -like '*someeventlogsourcename*' -and $_.EntryType -in ('Error', 'Warning', 'Critical') } | out-gridview