Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Working with Netsh http sslcert setup and SSL bindings through Powershell

I am working with a solution at work where I need to enable IIS Client certificates. I am not able to get past the "Provide client certificate" dialog, but it is possible to alter the setup of SSL cert bindings on your computer through the Netsh command. This command is not in Powershell, but at the command line. I decided to write some Powershell functions to be able to alter this setup atleast in an easier way. One annoyance with the netsh command is that you have to keep track of the Application Id and Certificate hash values. Here, we can easier keep track of this through Powershell code. The Powershell code to display and alter, modify, delete and and SSL cert bindings is as follows:
function Get-NetshSetup($sslBinding='') {

$sslsetup = netsh http show ssl
#Get-Member -InputObject $sslsetup

$sslsetupKeys = @{}

foreach ($line in $sslsetup){
 if ($line -ne $null -and $line.Contains(': ')){
    $key = $line.Split(':')[0]
    $value = $line.Split(':')[1]
     if (!$sslsetupKeys.ContainsKey($key)){
       $sslsetupKeys.Add($key.Trim(), $value.Trim()) 

return $sslsetup


function Display-NetshSetup($sslBinding=''){
 Write-Host SSL-Setup is: 

 $sslsetup = Get-NetshSetup($sslBinding)

foreach ($key in $sslsetup){
 Write-Host $key $sslsetup[$key]

function Modify-NetshSetup($sslBinding='', $certstorename='My',
  $verifyclientcertrevocation='disable', $verifyrevocationwithcachedcleintcertonly='disable',
  $clientCertNegotiation='enable', $dsmapperUsage='enable'){
  $sslsetup = Get-NetshSetup($sslBinding)
  echo Deleting sslcert netsh http binding for $sslBinding ...
  netsh http delete sslcert ipport=$sslBinding
  echo Adding sslcert netsh http binding for $sslBinding...
  netsh http add sslcert ipport=$sslBinding certhash=$sslsetup['Certificate Hash'] appid=$sslsetup['Application ID'] certstorename=$certstorename verifyclientcertrevocation=$verifyclientcertrevocation verifyrevocationwithcachedclientcertonly=$verifyrevocationwithcachedcleintcertonly clientcertnegotiation=$clientCertNegotiation dsmapperusage=$dsmapperUsage
  echo Done. Inspect output.  
  Display-NetshSetup $sslBinding

function Add-NetshSetup($sslBinding, $certstorename, $certhash, $appid, 
  $verifyclientcertrevocation='disable', $verifyrevocationwithcachedcleintcertonly='disable',
  $clientCertNegotiation='enable', $dsmapperUsage='enable'){

  echo Adding sslcert netsh http binding for $sslBinding...
  netsh http add sslcert ipport=$sslBinding certhash=$certhash appid=$appid  clientcertnegotiation=$clientCertNegotiation dsmapperusage=$dsmapperUsage certstorename=$certstorename verifyclientcertrevocation=$verifyclientcertrevocation verifyrevocationwithcachedclientcertonly=$verifyrevocationwithcachedcleintcertonly 
  echo Done. Inspect output.  
  Display-NetshSetup $sslBinding

Add-NetshSetup '' 'MY' 'c0fe06da89bcb8f22da8c8cbdc97be413b964619' '{4dc3e181-e14b-4a21-b022-59fc669b0914}'