Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADObject -Filter {ObjectClass -eq "msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount" -and Name -Like '*SomeGmsa*' } -Properties DistinguishedName, SamAccountName | Select DistinguishedName, SamAccountName
This yields the results:
DistinguishedName SamAccountName
----------------- --------------
CN=gMSA1DVSomeGmsa,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=someacme,DC=org MSA1DVSomeAcmeP$
CN=gMSA1_gMSA1DGmsaPT,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=someacme,DC=org MSA1gMSA1DVSomeAcme$
CN=gMSA1_DVSomeGmsaPT,CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=someacme,DC=org MSA1DVSomeAcmePT$
You can search for gMSA users in AD like this:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADServiceAccount -Filter "Name -like '*SomeGmsa*'"
This should yield a list of matching gMSA users with given name :
You can also ask for all properties of Gmsa users using -Properties with * :
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADObject -Filter {ObjectClass -eq "msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount" -and Name -Like '*SomeGmsa*' } -Properties *
When looking up gMSA accounts in Active Directory, you can use PowerShell to retrieve all relevant details, including any associated permissions and attributes. If you need to confirm specific identifiers like an is Betting id try querying the account properties for detailed output on linked accounts and services. This method can help ensure your gMSA accounts are correctly configured and secure.