The following Powershell function can be used to append a folder to the path for a user at the command line.
function AppendPath($filePath) {
$path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path")
$path += ";" + $filePath
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $path)
Write-Host $path
To call this function, just run the Powershell command:
AppendPath "c:\temp"
You can add this file into your $profile file as a function for easy availability. Run
. $profile to reload your $profile file.
This will append the folder "c:\temp" to your environment variable PATH. To view your environment variable PATH just enter:
echo $env:path
It is not required, but you can also use Chocolatey's
refreshenv script to force update the environment variable if it is still not updating.
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